I lied when I said that I've been fascinated with this stuff as long as I remember.
I lied because I remember the exact moment when something switched in mind. Since that moment, I have never been able to get back.
That exact moment is when I saw this:
I was a child. No more than 7 or 8 years old. I remember I was watching this movie that my father has videotaped from tv. It was afternoon, my mother was in the kitches, and I sat on the carpet in front of the TV watchin "that movie with cyborgs" when... BAM!!!!...this scene hit me like a brick in the face.
I remember at the time I was pretty confused, as I could not understand exactly WHY what I had just seen had hit me so hard, nor why I felt the need to rewind the tape and watch it again. Which I did, silently, with an eye on the kitchen door to sse if my mother was going to come out of the kitchen. I don't know why, but I had the feeling that, even though that scene was one of the most amzing things I had ever seen, my mother wouldn't have approved of me watching it again and again...
But I couldn't help it... The sight of that woman (..I know it's a cyborg but it DEFINITELY has the looks of a woman...) flipping to the room and so effortlessly beating up the hero (....the HERO...the tough guy... not a minor character... jeez, she was beating up INDIANA JONES!!!) to the brink of unconsciousness, squeezing him with her thighs was mesmerizing to me. I had a ffeling that it was perfectly RIGHT for her to beat him, because she was clearly stronger than him. Also, the way she dies implies that,after all, he has NOT beaten her, and that she could have easily killed him if it had been a simple hand to hand fight (..and if he had not been the main character, of course...).
This it what started it all, for me.
A collateral thought: why did Ridley Scott put this scene in the movie, back in 1982? I admit did not read the Philip K. Dick novel, and thus I do not know if it was in the book as well, but it makes me wonder anyway... Maybe this fascination with strong women has been going on for a lot of time, more than we imagine... Who knows?... Maybe evern good old Ridley is into it.... And maybe he's reading this post right now... And maybe his nekt movie will be about a cheerleader supermodel that enters the WWE and beats the crap out of every male wrestling superstar and becomes world champion.... OK. That was too much even for me.